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Vacuum seal VS22

Vacuum seal VS22

Cooling water sensor

Cooling water sensor

Measures the cooling temperature inside the systemThe cooling water sensor for a Rotavapor® is an accessory designed to optimize the efficiency of rotary evaporation by precisely monitoring the cooling water's temperature. The cooling water temperature is shown on the user interface of the Rota... 【详情】
Auto­Dest and AutoDry bundle

Auto­Dest and AutoDry bundle

Get the best of both worlds, AutoDest and AutoDry for your automatic distillationsThe AutoDest and AutoDry bundle provides an efficient and automatic way to distill you solvent and dry your compound with no residual solvent, all of this without any manual effort.服务了解我们的服务安装维护和检修认证和... 【详情】
AutoDry unit

AutoDry unit

This evaporation solution simplifies the removal of residual solvent from your sampleDrying your sample can be a hassle! With AutoDry your Rotavapor® R-300 or SyncorePlusremoves the remaining moisture from the system after the distillation at the push of a button.服务了解我们的服务... 【详情】
Beaker Flask, SJ 29/32, 500 mL

Beaker Flask, SJ 29/32, 500 mL

Flat bottom, working volume of 150 mLThe BUCHI Beaker Flask is designed with a large screw-cap opening for. With a capacity of 0.5 L and a working volume of 150 mL, this beaker flask is durable and functional, capable of withstanding temperatures ranging from -40 to 100 °C.服务了解我们的服务安装维护... 【详情】


保护罩,为加热池的操作员提供保护。用于水浴锅 B-301 和 B-305。材料:4 mm 厚的 PMMA用于水浴锅 B-301 和 B-305。材料:4 mm 厚的 PMMA。服务了解我们的服务安装维护和检修认证和校准培训产品介绍应用培训BUCHI World支持... 【详情】
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