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接收容器 340 mL

接收容器 340 mL

用于在全自动凯氏定氮仪 K-375 上收集馏出物此接收容器 (340 mL) 设计用于全自动凯氏定氮仪 K-375 收集中等馏出物体积。服务了解我们的服务安装维护和检修认证和校准培训产品介绍应用培训BUCHI World支持... 【详情】
微型样品管(一组 4 件)

微型样品管(一组 4 件)

用于体积最高达 3 mL 或重量最高达 0.2 g 的样品量适合微凯氏定氮的样品管,用于氮/蛋白质含量较高的均质样品:0.2 g 固体样品 / 2 – 3 mL 液体样品 / 5 mL H2SO4服务了解我们的服务安装维护和检修认证和校准培训产品介绍应用培训BUCHI World支持... 【详情】
Kjeldahl Tablets Copper Micro, 1000 pcs.

Kjeldahl Tablets Copper Micro, 1000 pcs.

Reduced chemical amount for small sample sizesBox of 1000 tablets, composition: 1.5 g K2SO4/ 0.15 CuSO4∙ 5 H2O服务了解我们的服务安装维护和检修认证和校准培训产品介绍应用培训BUCHI World支持... 【详情】
Kjeldahl Tablets Antifoam, 1000 pcs.

Kjeldahl Tablets Antifoam, 1000 pcs.

Minimizing foam creationThe Kjeldahl Tablets Antifoam are suitable for minimizing foam evolution. The box contains 1000 tablets and the composition is 0.97 g Na2SO4/ 0.03 g Silicon Antifoam.服务了解我们的服务安装维护和检修认证和校准培训产品介绍应用培训BUCHI World支持... 【详情】
Kjeldahl Tablets ECO, 1000 pcs.

Kjeldahl Tablets ECO, 1000 pcs.

Environmentally friendly with less chemicalsThe Kjeldahl Tablets ECO are environmentally friendly and contain less chemicals. The box consists of 1000 tablets and the composition is 3.998 g K2SO4/ 0.002 g CuSO4∙ 5 H2O.服务了解我们的服务安装维护和检修认证和校准培训产品介绍应用培训BUCHI W... 【详情】
Kjeldahl Tablets Missouri, 1000 pcs.

Kjeldahl Tablets Missouri, 1000 pcs.

For fast and efficient digestionsThe Kjeldahl Tablets consist mainly of an inert salt (potassium sulfate or sodium sulfate) which increases the boiling point of sulfuric acid. A further component is the metal catalysts which speed up the chemical reaction. The Kjeldahl Tablets Missouri are easy to u... 【详情】
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