惰性气体循环装置 S-395-干燥产品-徕卡显微镜-青岛中徕科技有限公司

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惰性气体循环装置 S-395
使用小型喷雾干燥仪 S-300 安全处理有机溶剂的方法。可将惰性气体循环装置 S-395 用作小型喷雾干燥仪 S-300 的理想配件,从而安全地对有机溶剂进行喷雾干燥。其创新设计使有机溶剂的喷雾干燥更加环保、经济和安全。



使用小型喷雾干燥仪 S-300 安全处理有机溶剂的方法。

可将惰性气体循环装置 S-395 用作小型喷雾干燥仪 S-300 的理想配件,从而安全地对有机溶剂进行喷雾干燥。其创新设计使有机溶剂的喷雾干燥更加环保、经济和安全。


  • 小型喷雾干燥仪 S-300 能够安全处理有机溶剂

  • 惰性气体环境可避免在喷雾干燥过程中发生爆炸

  • 通过控制氧气和压力,防止出现爆炸条件

  • 可选配除湿机 S-396,处理溶剂和水的混合物

  • 安全

  • 经济高效

    • 惰性气体消耗量小

    • 回收有机溶剂

    • 实验室喷雾干燥仪可实现快速安装

    • 小型喷雾干燥仪 S-300 集成手推车设计可节省空间

    • 经济高效


  • 小型喷雾干燥仪 S-300 的《闭环》方式可极大地降低污染,并保护环境

  • 实验室喷雾干燥仪的冷却回路可回收有机溶剂(-30℃)

  • 可消除使用有机溶剂时对仪器的损坏







  维护 检修



40 多年来,BUCHI 一直在为实验室喷雾干燥和微胶囊开发市场领先的解决方案。几十年来,我们一直致力于了解并满足您对实验室颗粒成型技术的个人需求。我们为各个行业量身定制的可靠解决方案,包括尖端产品、创新系统和高度专业的应用支持。



Laboratory-scale spray drying is a vital process in the pharmaceutical industry, used for the formulation and development of various drugs and medications. It involves converting liquid solutions or suspensions into dry powders through atomization and rapid evaporation. This technique offers several benefits, including improved stability, enhanced bioavailability, and ease of handling. In recent years, several notable trends have emerged in laboratory-scale spray drying within the pharmaceutical sector. One significant trend is the use of spray drying for the production of solid dispersions. Solid dispersions are formulations where the drug is dispersed in a solid matrix, enhancing its solubility and dissolution rate. Spray drying enables the preparation of solid dispersion powders with uniform drug distribution, leading to improved drug delivery and efficacy. Another trend is the development of inhalable drugs using spray drying. This technique allows for the production of dry powder formulations suitable for inhalation, facilitating targeted delivery to the respiratory system. Inhalable drugs offer advantages in the treatment of respiratory diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Taste masking is another important application of laboratory-scale spray drying. By encapsulating drugs with unpleasant taste profiles in taste-masking particles, the palatability of oral formulations can be improved. Spray drying enables the encapsulation of drugs within taste-masking coatings, leading to better patient compliance, particularly for pediatric and geriatric populations. Furthermore, laboratory-scale spray drying is increasingly employed for the development of controlled-release formulations. By incorporating drugs into sustained-release matrices or encapsulating them within microspheres or nanoparticles, spray drying allows for the controlled release of drugs over an extended period. This enables optimized drug dosage regimens and improved patient convenience. In conclusion, laboratory-scale spray drying in the pharmaceutical area is witnessing several significant trends, including the production of solid dispersions, inhalable drugs, taste-masking formulations, and controlled-release systems. These trends contribute to the development of novel drug formulations with enhanced solubility, targeted delivery, improved patient compliance, and optimized drug release profiles.

Chemicals / Materials

  • Chemicals / Materials

    Laboratory-scale spray drying is a versatile and efficient method for producing a wide range of materials in the chemicals and materials science field. In recent years, notable trends have emerged, including the application of spray drying for nano materials, paints and coatings, and catalysts. One trend is the use of laboratory-scale spray drying in the synthesis of nano materials. This technique enables the production of nanoparticles and nanostructured materials with controlled size, morphology, and composition. By tailoring these properties, researchers can develop advanced materials with improved mechanical strength, enhanced conductivity, and tailored surface functionalities. Spray drying also finds application in the production of paints and coatings. By producing fine and uniform particles, spray drying contributes to the desired properties of coatings, such as improved color, durability, and film formation. This trend leads to the development of high-quality coatings with enhanced performance and functionality. Furthermore, laboratory-scale spray drying plays a role in the development of catalysts. By controlling particle size, composition, and surface area, spray drying allows for the design and optimization of catalysts for efficient chemical transformations and environmental applications. In summary, laboratory-scale spray drying in the chemicals and materials science field is witnessing trends in nano materials, paints and coatings, and catalysts. These trends contribute to the development of advanced materials, high-performance coatings, and efficient catalysts, driving innovation in various industries.

  • Batteries


    Laboratory-scale spray drying is a valuable technique in battery research for the fabrication of electrode materials. It enables precise control over particle size and morphology, resulting in electrodes with optimized electrochemical performance. Spray drying allows for the production of fine and uniform particles, contributing to the development of high-performance batteries. This method facilitates the development of electrode materials with enhanced properties, such as improved conductivity and electrochemical stability. By employing laboratory-scale spray drying in battery research, scientists can advance energy storage technologies and develop more efficient and reliable batteries for various applications.


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