Wizard for Automatic 3D Analysis LAS X 3D Analysis-徕卡显微镜图像软件-徕卡显微镜-青岛中徕科技有限公司

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Wizard for Automatic 3D Analysis LAS X 3D Analysis
With the software module Leica Application Suite X (LAS X) 3D Analysis you can measure various aspects of intracellular structures such as volumes of nuclei, their surface, or distances and angles between the nuclei. Individual 3D objects can be measu



Wizard for Automated 3D Analysis

The 3D Analysis wizard helps you obtain key data from your sample. It guides you through the analysis process and offers a large selection of filters, a segmentation tool with optional automatic threshold determination and binary filters. 3D objects also can be combined or separated manually. Key data to be obtained are volume, filled volume, voxel count, surface area, filled surface area, diameter, many shape and intensity parameters as well as object position plus statistics for all supported features. 

Interactive 3D Measurements

The 3D interactive measurement tool will help you obtain the data you need ranging from volume, surface, distance, and angle to polygon outlines, freehand curves and object count.

Processing Toolbox

In addition to the 3D Analysis wizard, you can take full control over the analysis process: You can apply processing tools in any order to analyze the 3D volume. Process tools include smoothing and morphological filters, segmentation tools, generation of binary mask, and a powerful image calculator. 

3D Image Calculator

The ability to operate complex image analysis formulas makes the 3D image calculator the key element of the processing tools. Features include arithmetic, boolean and transcendental operations.

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